"They are your words, whoever you are.
May you receive the blessing of the Self in its purest, undistracted and undiluted form - which is formless.
May your heart be filled with the abundance of open, free love which connects you to everything.
May your mind know the absolute and therefore shine in luminous bliss.
And may you see, feel and know the body for what it is - a multi-dimensional expression of consciousness. Not restricted by skin or concepts of limited biological structures, but an aspect of the continuum of the expression of Spirit through the medium of your Soul.
This is the truth of the body paradox and when all of these come together and are imbibed by your perception you will know the limitless Self. Which is simply pure potential unfolding each moment - and each moment is infinite, limitless and free in all directions - which is the truth of the Self. Unbound, Limitless Potential.
May you awaken to this - your Truth, and this surpasses concepts and suffering, into the openness of the infinite heart/mind at its purest.
Sit with this a while.
Imbibe of this nectar.
Breathe it in and release......"
Message from Paranthia & Source Wisdom 26 July 2024
Channelled by this Being – 25 July 2024