Deva Poem

In honour of the Devas, vast and small - by this Being & Lisette De Pachua

"What do the Devas wish to convey

In poem, song, gesture and play,
From mighty mountain to tiny grain
Deep, dark ocean to drop of rain?

Devas are the energy behind all things
Subtle and intelligent, sparkly and with wings
For all these elements, they love to blend
Recycle, reuse, repurpose and mend.

These shiny beings they hold the key
To the door between Spirit, you and me
So adjust your perception like the eyes of a child
See these dear beings in the places of wild
And commune to the tune of their frequencies fair
Of Earth, Fire, Water and up in the Air

To know them express your intention wherever you go
In whatever direction, just let them know!
So quieten your mind, let your heart become still
For they can only be seen with the purest of will.

Message for Paranthia & all Devas - 23 August 2024

By this Being & Lisette De Pachua –  21 August 2024

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