This Is The Song For All Of Mankind

Poetry and song are the language of the Devas - Lisette De Pachua

"The language of Nature for all to hear

Is with us always, but for some it’s more clear
The art is to listen, be still with your mind
To quieten the chatter and from this you will find
A quality of peace rising up in your heart
A connection to ALL, for we are all a part
Of the great Cosmic tapestry, this life on the Earth
Bestowed by Creation, the place of our birth.

As we rediscover the magic within
And reconnect to all of our kin
We are filled with wonder, a child-like grin
For this is our birth-right, but how to begin?

Breathe deeply my children, the time is now here
For you to remember and lose all your fear
To step into your power, your natural being
And experience surrender, an act of true seeing.

So listen within and listen out there
Listen to the silence, the stillness of the air
Listen to the heartbeat of our Mother below
And feel the Oneness as we all learn to grow.

This is the time of our great rebirth
This is the time to honour the Earth
This is the time to listen and align
For we are United in this space and time.

Connect to your Soul and free your mind
This is the song for all of Mankind."

Message by Paranathia, 22 March 2024

Channelled by Lisette De Pachua– 22 March 2024

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