The Soul's Decree As It Awakens To Itself

"There is a reboot...."- Paranathia & Source Wisdom

"As I bow down in acknowledgement of the Devas

with love and respect for the all that I am and that is, my heart fills with awe and humility.

The vast openess of the infinite void of profound emptiness opens right before me and I know not what to do except release all sense of limited self, fears, restrictions, pain and suffering.


Let go of into it's limitless and healing depths until I too am empty.

And only now, when I have given up all beliefs, concepts and understanding, is the space that is left fit and ready for the soul to awaken and take this form which is now vacant and infinity open once again. I awaken to this full potential of humble, gracious heart.

Open and ready to be moved by soul and spirit.

Free and released unto the ALL.

I am AWAKE."


Message from Paranthia & Source Wisdom 9 August 2024

Channelled by this Being –  6 August 2024

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